You can use your own domain, not Vivoldi's, to reduce links.
There is a lot of resistance to using other services, especially in companies and public organizations.
Vivoldi's main domains, are currently known to many users and they know that it is a link shortening service.
Shortened links have always been a turn-off for the average user, and the most common reasons are scams, gambling, and malware.
Shortened domains are also your own brand, your own domain, to build trust and communicate with users.
Many companies and public organizations are now registering their domains with Vivoldi to use our services.
Individuals can use them for blogs, cafes, text messaging, open chat rooms, and more.
The shorter the domain, the easier it is for people to remember, so buy a short domain utilizing your brand name, and register it with Vivoldi so you can create short links to your domain from now on.
Registering your domain with Vivoldi automatically provides you with an HTTPS secure connection, so it's safe, and while you'll get a 404 error when a misspelled link sends users to the wrong URL, Vivoldi's domain routing feature allows them to go to the page you specify when they can't find it, minimizing page abandonment.
What are the benefits of shortening URLs to my domain?
People have an aversion to condescending short links. Will I get a virus if I click this link? And since Vivoldi's and domains are used by everyone, some links are trustworthy, while others abuse short links.
The advantage of shortening the link to your domain is that it's not off-putting to the average user, and you can slowly build trust by looking at the domain address and thinking, "Oh, that's a company's domain.
Vivoldi YouTube channel:
Create a shortened link URL with your own domain
- Learn what the link domain feature is and how to create a short link with your own domain.
- If the video looks blurry, you can change the resolution to 1080p in the settings.
Once you've watched all of our videos, register with Vivoldi by purchasing your domain today.
Domain registration takes 24 business hours from the date of registration.
The #1 shortened URL service. Vivoldi!
Thank you.