Domain Punycode Converter

Unicode domains can be converted to English and viewed using the Punycode online converter. Domain Punycode Online.

You can convert your domain to Punycode format and vice versa to resolve a Punycode domain to a Unicode domain.



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Punycode is an algorithm used to convert Unicode strings to ASCII strings and is defined in the international Internet standard RFC3492.
Punycode can only use letters, numbers, and hyphens, and Punycode strings always start with the characters "xn--".
Punycode is part of Internationalized Domain Names in Application (IDNA), which makes it possible to use multilingual domain names in any language supported by Unicode, and the conversion is done entirely on the client, such as a web browser.

Vivoldi′s Domain Punycode tool is free for everyone to use.
From now on, you don′t need to download any software for these simple tasks.

We are constantly checking and updating all our tools to make them more convenient for our users.

Unicode domains must be set to Punycode-translated English on your Apache or Nginx web server.
If you set it to Unicode, the domain will not be recognized.

If you check the logs on your web server, they will all be in Punycode, and if you check the hostname accessed in your programming language, it will also be in Punycode.